Monday, February 14, 2011

"Cat in the wall, eh? Okay, now you're talking my language. I know this game."

Eudora Welty's "No Place For You, My Love." That's the short story I'm still trying to finish this paper on. I'm kind of hoping that maybe if I ramble here, I'll get some more ideas. Basically two Yankees, one from Syracuse and one from Toldedo, meet in NO and decide to drive south towards the southern edge of Louisiana. Not much on characterization or plot, mostly description (BOINGO! GOT SOMETHING!), but Welty's kind of a genius for her descriptions.

You would think that reading all of this awesome lit for my courses helps my writing, but really, and I've mentioned this before, but the wonderfully awesome Dana, who runs the tumblog Reasoning With Vampires, has helped me so much with her awesome critiques and commentary of the Twilight series (not a "saga." "Saga" implies something happens). Reading RwV keeps me more aware when I'm editing and writing.

And speaking of writing, I have just finished watching the first two series of Misfits.

So, yeah, it inspired me to outline a book idea I've had for a while, which I'm not too happy about, considering HANNAH is the one book I want to focus on (and for some reason, I can't multi-book when it comes to writing. Short stories? Yeah, no problem). I mean, awesome show, but ugh, no more book ideas!

Agh, and it looks as if this will be another sleepless night.


  1. Haha, it's just the superhero story I've mentioned on inkpop :D

  2. Hey now. My memory doesn't like me.Can't blame ME. :P

  3. Ahhhh, the Misfits! <3 I'm going to have to catch up--I never watched season 3.

    Also, you've been tagged!
