Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"What is this word, spa? I feel like you're starting to a say a word and you're not finishing it. Spaghetti? Are you taking me to a spaghetti day?"

Okay, so I'm starting my new writing blog, and hopefully I'll update more on what's going on with me, writing wise (because, let's face life is pretty boring :D). Well, let's see, shall we?

As some know, I'm working on editing the final manuscript of my novel HANNAH BOUDREAUX & THE COUNCIL OF ANCIENTS (I will probably refer to it as "HANNAH" for short throughout, jsyk), which has been through, what?, seven or eight (maybe more) drafts since 2008? I've edited this book more time than I can count, and now I'm doing the final touches.

I'm thinking of doing some book reviews...when I'm not doing my (massive amounts of) readings for class, and expect some updates on my Advanced Fiction Writing workshop (working on my first story for that class now).

So my prediction for the semester:

And yes, it is 5:16 in the AM my time, but I'm having a bit of insomnia going on :/  Expect a lot of late night posts.

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