Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Yes, my good man, I'll have the milk steak, boiled over hard, and your finest jelly beans...raw."

Ahh, why did I have to do one more writing workshop? And why did I have to sign up for four lit courses? Oh, right, I want to graduate.

Trying to polish up HANNAH so I can enter the manuscript in to the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest and start querying again. The whole editing-my-book-while-doing-short-stories-and-reading-for-courses makes me just want to pull a Sweet Dee

Okay, maybe not on trash and outside of a club, but I think you get the idea, haha. My writing momentum is slowing down, but I blame exhaustion due to Senioritis. Though, thanks to Reasoning With Vampires, I get little bursts of editing energy. That tumblr has made me all the more cautious and meticulous about my writing and editing.

On a non-writing related note, I watched the SKINS series five opener last night. It was all right, but I just hope it doesn't go the series four route- completely insane with nothing relatable about it and absolutely ridiculous. I do like some of the new characters (Rich, Alo, and Grace, most def), though., she was adorable, but her story and background were a little too-- I don't know-- something I just couldn't buy. Mini was annoying, Liv and Matty were eh, and Nick was ugh. I love Alo's van and his bromance with Rich.

As for SKINS US, I don't care what anyone else says, I adore it so far. Yeah, it could be a little better (like filmed in America and set somewhere specific, like Baltimore, with an all-American cast...won't lie, the Canadian accents are distracting), but I think with time, it will get better. I love Stanley more than Sid, Cadie more than Cassie, and I find Tea more intriguing than Maxxie (and I loved Maxxie). Most fans might diagree, but I think James Newman is perfect for an American Tony. He reminds me of every "popular" guy when I was in high school: short, cute but not "OMG SO HAWT," cocky, etc. The only thing that I can't buy, really, is that no one in the gang has a car. They're middle class American least one of them would have a car.

What's so funny about this whole SKINS US controversy is that my mother has it on series record so we can talk about the new episodes together. Yeah, my mother is a SKINS fan, back to when I first showed her the original. So much for parents hating the show, haha.

All right, I'm done.

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